From Scout’s and Jem’s experience in the courtroom we can learn that there is a lot of racism and prejudice towards the black community. The black men and women had to wait for the White people to enter the courtroom first, and most of them had the back seats. The courthouse is very segregated and there is a clear seperation between white and black communities.

When Scout and Jem entered the courtroom they were offered seats by four black men. There were many White men sitting down but they didn’t give up their seats. We can infer from this that Maycomb county has built a racist community, where black men feel obliged to offer their seats to white children.






4 responses to “”

  1. E Andrews Avatar
    E Andrews

    Leon, you have pointed out how Lee highlights the segregation between the black and white community through their physical separation from one and other in the court room.

    I think you could reinforce these points with relevant quotations?

  2. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    I agree – and I’d also mention, the pedant that I am, that you’ve used the wrong ‘their’ in sentence 1.

  3. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    I love that you fixed that, Leon.

  4. theninja Avatar

    This is a clear analysis of the racism in the courtroom scene and you have explained the segregation in detail.
    To improve I would use relevant quotations to support your arguments and go into more detail about what this actually shows about the society of Maycomb.

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